full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Joan Blades and John Gable: Free yourself from your filter bubbles

Unscramble the Blue Letters

JB: So I met John outside of Washington, DC, with an ialteiisdc group of cross-partisan bridge biuredls, and we wanted to re-weave the fiarbc of our cmiuoinmets. We believe that our differences can be a strength, that our values can be complimentary and that we have to overcome the fgiht so that we can honor everyone's values and not lose any of our own. I went for this wonderful walk with John, where I started learning about the work he was doing to pierce the filter bubble. It was powerful; it was brilliant. Living in saaretpe narratives is not good. We can't even have a conversation or do collaborative problem-solving when we don't share the same facts.

Open Cloze

JB: So I met John outside of Washington, DC, with an __________ group of cross-partisan bridge ________, and we wanted to re-weave the ______ of our ___________. We believe that our differences can be a strength, that our values can be complimentary and that we have to overcome the _____ so that we can honor everyone's values and not lose any of our own. I went for this wonderful walk with John, where I started learning about the work he was doing to pierce the filter bubble. It was powerful; it was brilliant. Living in ________ narratives is not good. We can't even have a conversation or do collaborative problem-solving when we don't share the same facts.


  1. separate
  2. idealistic
  3. communities
  4. builders
  5. fight
  6. fabric

Original Text

JB: So I met John outside of Washington, DC, with an idealistic group of cross-partisan bridge builders, and we wanted to re-weave the fabric of our communities. We believe that our differences can be a strength, that our values can be complimentary and that we have to overcome the fight so that we can honor everyone's values and not lose any of our own. I went for this wonderful walk with John, where I started learning about the work he was doing to pierce the filter bubble. It was powerful; it was brilliant. Living in separate narratives is not good. We can't even have a conversation or do collaborative problem-solving when we don't share the same facts.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
filter bubbles 4
progressive area 2

Important Words

  1. bridge
  2. brilliant
  3. bubble
  4. builders
  5. collaborative
  6. communities
  7. complimentary
  8. conversation
  9. dc
  10. differences
  11. fabric
  12. facts
  13. fight
  14. filter
  15. good
  16. group
  17. honor
  18. idealistic
  19. john
  20. learning
  21. living
  22. lose
  23. met
  24. narratives
  25. overcome
  26. pierce
  27. separate
  28. share
  29. started
  30. strength
  31. values
  32. walk
  33. wanted
  34. washington
  35. wonderful
  36. work